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Old 08-31-2005, 02:51 PM   #7
YT Addict
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Tennessee
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Thanks for the warm welcome guys! YT is the most informative and friendly site I have ever been on. I almost bought the dummies book. I may have to go back and get it.

Thanks for the offer of the breeder contact too. My mom has a yorkie she may breed when she comes into heat again, but if there aren't puppies I will definitely take you up on that.

As for buying stuff....I have wishlists for a ton of things, but no purchases yet. It seems like everything I see there are alot of options for. So far the main decision I have made is harness not leash....I'm still on the fence about the rest as far as products go.

Congratulations on the new baby! How have the first three weeks been? I am really nervous about that first adjustment stage. I hope to get my place completely puppyproofed beforehand.

Thanks again!
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