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Old 06-27-2008, 10:28 AM   #4
& Reicher Baby, too!
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Originally Posted by Tiger's Mom View Post
I am not sure if this is a bit early but I think the earlier we start planning the better . . . I know in the past we have tried to get the venue centrally located hoping that more people would make it but that was not the case . . .so perhaps we can start voting on where we should have the next BIG meet-up.

I really feel that we should get a location where there are already more members residing in that area to get better attendees . . .flying halfway or across the other end of the country makes no difference in price much anyway . . .

I vote for having it either in the west coast or east coast . . my choices are Las Vegas, NV or somewhere in FL
While LV and FL aren't my two fav places to travel, I do agree with you, Des, for two reasons.

1, like you said, there are a lot of YTers in both places. And 2, I think airfare would be VERY reasonable (probably some of the best prices anywhere) to either of those!

Great suggestions And I like your idea of planning EARLY!!!

ETA: One more suggestion would be I think everybody needs to pay their registration fee up front before we even have a contract with a hotel, and that way if we don't have enough, it can be refunded to everybody and no need to get a contract or start planning if we won't have a good crowd. Anyone else agree??? As long as it will be FULLY REFUNDED if nothing happens, I think anyone should be able to do that!
Teri, Reicher , Kobi , Killian

Last edited by LuvMyPrinceKobi; 06-27-2008 at 10:30 AM.
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