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Old 06-23-2008, 07:03 PM   #1
Tink's Mom
With Indy In My Heart
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Love Look how much you all Love my little Tink!

While Tink was so sick and I was in hospital, Tink got so many wonderful gifts.

I had a friend staying at my apartment while I was gone and she tried to open and note all the things for me so I could say thank you. But I'm afraid some of the things weren't recorded and she didn't save addresses for me. I hope to get it all sorted out soon, but here's what I have. I tried to get pictures of everything. If I missed something that you sent, please accept my apology and know that we felt so blessed with all the things we received - frogs, blankets, toys, many many cards for both of us, and telephone calls.

Connie - luvmysissy - kissing yorkie salt and pepper shakers - So cute, I put them on my bookcase!
belindtch - a frog blankie with "Tink" embroidered on it and a new frog for her.
Sue white - the "original" replacement frog, a frog blanket, and a lovely devotional book for me.
Lola - a replacement frog for Tink
yorkiesmiles - 2 new replacement frogs for Tink
peanut - I'm not sure - was it the frog picture frames with pics of Tink?
I don't know who - 2 little toys - one green person and 1 blue person to chew on.
I don't know who - two lovely little cotton froggie blankets

Thank you all so much for all the lovely things you sent her. I'm very sorry that I can't thank some of you by name for the things you sent. My young friend just didn't realize when she tossed the packages and notes for some of them that I had no way to connect the gift to the giver. Here are some pictures - see the next post too - of most of the things that we got. Thank you and God bless each one of you for your thots and prayers for us.
Attached Thumbnails
Look how much you all Love my little Tink!-gifts-tink-010.jpg   Look how much you all Love my little Tink!-gifts-tink-011.jpg   Look how much you all Love my little Tink!-gifts-tink-012.jpg   Look how much you all Love my little Tink!-gifts-tink-013.jpg  
Mom of Bruno RIP Tinkerbelle Tala & Howard Indy & Stuart
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