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Old 06-06-2008, 02:45 PM   #1
Luvs Lulu
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Angry Ugg Zoey was attacked today.....

Jeeze I was walking Zoey when I got home from work. I know that there are two other yorkies in the area where we live. Well we are right at the corner before our house and here I see one of the ladies walking her yorkie. So stupid me stops to say hi to his mom. Well he comes over and starts sniffing her and then all of a sudden makes a big old lunge and acting nuts at her...snapping and damn near foaming at the mouth. He is about 6 lbs (which is double her size). Thank god I was a bit iffy and reacted fast. I grabbed her up by her leash and had her suspended in the air. Poor baby all she wanted was to be friends. Little bastard I could have kicked him.

His owner was suprised and immediately started apologizing and saying omg he has never acted like that. OK...whatever lady. The damn dog was foaming at the mouth trying to get at her (no exaggeration either). Thank god for that leash/harness combo. I had her up and hanging in the air to get him away from her.

My poor dingy of a baby. She was scared spitless and wondering what the hell was going on.

So see I guess when we walk them we have to beware of any and all dogs. Jesus even yorkies attack.
Lulu will always be in my heart
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