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Old 06-02-2008, 06:58 AM   #2
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Default Been there...

My little Lexie had it when I got her. I bought her at a pet store before I knew better. She started having bloody diarrhea on Christmas Day so we rushed her to an emergency vet and he gave her 3 shots including a vitamin B shot to perk her up and gave us a weeks worth of antibiotics. Within an hour she was a new dog! She was perky, running around, playing, she even barked for the first time. It was the best feeling a new mother could have. After the week of antibiotics she was right as rain and we haven't had a problem since. I hope your little guy gets better soon. I've heard from other people on YT that it hasn't been so easy to get rid of. I guess I was just lucky. I'll keep your little guy in my prayers!
Kimberly Lee, parents of Lexie , Tucker , and Jordan
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