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Old 06-01-2008, 07:17 AM   #12
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: pennsylvania
Posts: 25
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thank you for everyone's posts. it makes me feel so much better to know that other people have been through this. my husband and i are pretty much banking on having the surgery done and most likely on both knees. we started giving her gloucosamine treats that the vet said wouldn't hurt and might help. i hate having to wait to get her into the vet again but thursday was the earliest appt they had. its so hard to know which vets to trust. they seem very knowledgable with a lot of experience but you never know. i just hate the idea of her going through this. how much pain did your yorkies seem to be in after the surgery? that's what i'm worried about and i know this probably sounds crazy but i hate the idea of placing her in more pain and her not understanding why we did it to her!!!
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