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Old 05-21-2008, 03:34 AM   #1
Yorkie Kisses are the Best!
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Default Is your yorkie ITCHING ? Read this Grrrrrrr...

Well - it's my turn to fight that nasty creature problem.

I posted a week ago how I THOUGHT the water at my new apt was making my girls itch...I checked them OVER AND OVER fleas... was told by someone who's lived here 4 years she's never had a flea problem here & has never had to use a flea product and I pretty much did all I could to stop the itchies. A good friend even sent me some medicated shampoo (THANK YOU !!) but they were still itching....


oh yes - A tiny spec was in the water..... I GRABBED it and threw it into my sink and when I finished the baths looked very close and I'll be d*mned if it wasn't moving (but slowly) IT WAS A FLEA FOR SURE.

Dawn Dish Detergent works. If we see ONE flea there's more.

I went straight to the vet for Frontline Plus and ordered a big pack off Pet Meds and am working on this but wanted to post this for everyone - EVEN IF YOU SEE NO FLEAS but your puppy is scratching - chances are they are THERE. IT SUCKS ! I can't tell you how much I looked and looked and saw flea 'dirt' bugs took that BATH to know the girls have them - I'm SO upset with myself that I didn't think of the Dawn soap sooner.

oh and ps - IF ANYONE DOES A BATH WITH Dawn (or any other shampoo) - DO NOT GET IT NEAR THEIR EYES - we all know how much soap stings.
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