Kanda welcome to the excitement of training a yorkie your baby sounds just like mines and still have been unable to truly grasp when he needs to go potty. Since I work most the day it is hard for me to keep an eye on him so I put him in a doggy day care which I am eventually probably going to have them train him also while he is there but that is going to cost.
I have tried almost everything people have told me, and I have read. He stayed in a x-pen during the day and his crate at night, I would take him out constantly for walks when I saw him sniffing around the house it was my fault for allowing my mother while she was visiting giving him full access to the entire house as I tried to tell her to leave him in the pen so but only to come home and see him running around the house.
I have set pee pads around that he does not even borther to use really would like to know how people get them to go to the pads or even a litter box on there own. I have setup a spot where I wanted him to potty outside reinforced it with "go potty" he looks at me to say what do you want me to do. We can stay outside for 30min-hr and he does nothing what so ever as soon as we come inside I take his collar off he runs off and potty's. People say they cant hold it for very long well I say they can lol!
I get up very early to walk him before I have to get rdy for work he started at one point to go outside but completely has taken a u-turn on that and he just wont go outside or on the pee pads unless I confine him in his x-pen where he has no choice to go and will constantly jump up and down to get out but does not even recongize this area as a place to go unless he knows I am not coming back to get him.
I think he needs a complete training revamp but my time is very limited to properly train him I think as I am not there for 8 hours of the day so I need to turn to professional training for him. |