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Old 04-30-2008, 11:55 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by celstu1 View Post
Nope security asks nothing, they are only there to make sure the stuff you bring through is legit and since airlines DO allow dogs they just make sure the dog carrier is safe, you take the dog out of the carrier, walk through with him and put him back in. Security won't give you a problem. The way it happened for me was if the ticket counter does not give you a problem you are home free.

I know its going to be different for everyone depending on airline and airport also.
Did you purchase your tickets at the counter?? I've always just got them online and when I got to the airport, I printed them out on the touch screen. The only people I had to deal with is the person I gave my boarding pass to and then TSA. I would probably get away with it if they don't give any type of "pet ticket"
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