Thread: Cysts
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Old 04-28-2008, 04:56 AM   #1
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Rose Cysts

My Lacy, 11-year-old Bichon, has some little "bumps" on her body and head. The vet said they are cysts and are harmless and are not pre-cancer. A
couple of them have gotten bigger and Lacy scratches one on her neck and
keeps it irritated and bloody. I think they are subcutaneous or sebaceous
cysts. The one on her neck fills up with white, cheesy stuff (sorry,
gross). It can be emptied, but it fills right back up.

Does anyone have experience with these cysts? Is there any way to treat
them outside of having them surgically removed? I am very hesitant to have
Lacy put under for anything. I wash the one that Lacy scratches with
peroxide and clean it up and put medication on it and cover it sometimes to
keep her from scratching it. I don't think it "hurts" her, but it apparently itches and may bother her a little.

Any information or experience will be appreciated.
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