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Old 04-25-2008, 05:45 PM   #6
YT 1000 Club Member
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Wow, your dog is Snoop Dogg!

Snoop Dogg
Smooth & Cool

Swingin' hard and keeping it real in his 'hood, your little homey is Snoop Doggy Dogg, yo.

Bustin' out superfly vocals that keep his lady friends perched, ready and on the edge of their seats, Leonardo Davinchi knows how to have a good time with his peeps and is not ashamed to show it. A big fan of the bling bling, Leonardo Davinchi is fashion fit and costume conscious, even willing to go a little over the top at times. Rich like butter and phat with flavor when he rolls, Leonardo Davinchi is well aware of the heads he turns along the way. Often seen hangin' with the big boys, Leonardo Davinchi is one tough cookie and knows how to paw his way out of a confrontation. But despite his occasionally feisty flare, Leonardo Davinchi is romantic and poetic, a true-blue Casanova through and through.
Lori, Friday, Olivia, Miranda , Chanel and Casey
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