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Old 04-20-2008, 01:34 PM   #3
Donating YT 3000 Club Member
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If Diggy seems to be getting less active, it might be a sign he is ready for a playmate. I just somehow knew when Gracie was ready. She went with me when I picked up Holly. She too was curious. I just gave each their own space, and I mean everything their own. Their own crate, their own pen, their own dishes, their own toys. Gracie got fed first, got played with first and got loved first. After a while, Gracie and Holly became the best of friends and now they are pretty much inseparable. They do everything together and Gracie is VERY protective of Holly. Just be careful not to pick a puppy that is more controlling, more alpha, than Diggy. Playful is one thing, but controlling is another.
Gracie loves Bailey. Holly loves Tucker. Proud member of the YT Gracie Girls.
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