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Old 04-17-2008, 08:22 AM   #9
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Arizona
Posts: 248

Ugh, I do not know how to say this in a 'nice' way...

You should NOT get a dog at all. Your husband is more concerned with things than with people/pets and that is a recipie for disaster.

Your pet will end up having accidents/messes and will result in your husband being resentful of the pet and in the end he will resent you for getting the pet.

Yorkies CAN be trained to go on pads/in litter boxes... BUT, they will still mark areas, have nervous piddles or just out of an attitude poo somewhere when they get in a mood. (it happens!)

It is sad that your husband is so focused on THINGS, but you most likely will not change him.
Kimberley mom of 4 humans Jordan '88, Jared '90, Jaina '96, Justus '01 and 2 yorkie babies Zoe and Zorak '07(littermates).RNzfoster on myspace
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