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Old 02-23-2005, 11:21 PM   #12
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by CC's
I think 6 weeks is to early to guess adult weight.

CKC (conkc) is a registry that will register any dog. The paper means nothing. If you say you have a Yorkie, send a picture with 2 signatures saying its a Yorkie they will paper it as a Yorkie. Why bother registering at all. The purpose of a registry is to be able to show the pure bloodline isn't it?

AKC is not that much in cost. Its a total of about $50 to register a litter. DNA is only required on males and only if you breed your male more than 3 times in a year, or 7 in his lifetime. Not a lot to ask I don't think. The only other registry I would use in the US is UKC (united kennel club). I don't because their shows are to far for me to go to.
I found this post through the search functions and have been wondering the same thing as the other posters about the CKC. Both of my Frankie's parents (Yorkies) are registered with the CKC. I am in the process of registering him with the CKC.

My question is what process would Frankie have to go through to be registered with the AKC (if possible at all)? Also, why do people register with the CKC if it really doesn't verify anything (what are the benefits)?

Thanks in advance!
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