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Old 03-16-2008, 09:10 AM   #1
Donating YT 2000 Club Member
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Camera Jamie's First St. Paddy's Day Parade

St. Paddy's Day is HUGE in Mississippi! Every year Jackson closes most of downtown for the annual Hal and Mal's St. Paddy's Day Parade (which includes Sweet Potato Queens from around the nation). Since this was Jamie's first time I thought I would post pictures (or at least the few pictures that my roommate actually took!)

Jamie's First St. Paddy's Day Parade-jamies-shirt.jpg
Here is Jamie in his St. Paddy's Day shirt.

Jamie's First St. Paddy's Day Parade-jamie-tree.jpg
They had a pet parade so Jamie spent ALOT of time sniffing around. We didn't know about it until it was too late to enter but he got to meet SOOOO many dogs (and even a cute little yorkie lady in a Scarlet O'Hare type emerald green ball gown!)

Jamie's First St. Paddy's Day Parade-jamie-looking-left.jpg
Here he is watching the parade.

Jamie's First St. Paddy's Day Parade-jamie-looking-right.jpg
Still watching the parade...
Misty & Jamie
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