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Old 02-29-2008, 05:41 PM   #1
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Angry OMG I am so *$(%*&@(* mad!!!!!

I CANNOT believe this...I am fuming...

Last night I took Tucker over to my friends house, who's a groomer, so she could see him. She has 2 little Yorkies herself, and they immediately started playing with him and he seemed like he was having a really good time. I had to get up early this morning for work, and I have Brooke (who's about to pop open with these pups) to take with me and watch. So she asked if he could stay overnight and play. We've done this a few times with each others dogs for playdates, and everything has always been good, so I trusted her and said fine. I called to check on him 3 times today, and everythign was going well...I got home late and asked her if she could drop him off at my house on her way to dinner.

Well, she just brought him back...and to my horror, he is freakin cut...he has NO HAIR. When I got him he was working on his full coat, his GORGEOUS full coat...he's on my avatar. Now, his face is short and his body hair pretty much DOESN'T exist. She said, and I quote, "I was brushing him and I felt a matt...he didn't like it when I tried to brush him, so I decided to just make him feel better and cut it all off." I didn't say anything to her, just said, "thanks, have a good night," and I shut the door in her face. I CANNOT FREAKIN BELIEVE THIS! She had NO right to cut my dogs hair!!! His beautiful beautiful hair!! OMG it's going to take forever to grow back...I'm fuming right now...I'm so mad.....

Last edited by simonandhallie; 03-01-2008 at 06:37 AM.
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