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Old 02-21-2008, 11:46 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Ellie May View Post
Ellie was spayed when she was 6 (about 3 months ago). I'm sure you know all about the procedure and all of that but if you have any specific questions I can answer them for you. I have no way of knowing if she would have recovered faster as a pup, but she did okay. She was back to herself within about 10 days. She was in a significant amount of pain but she had to go on a pain med that would be okay for her liver, so it wasn't the greatest...
Wow...10 days seems like a long time, but I guess it's really different when they're a little older. It seems like Max and his little sister were both running around a day or two later (even though I know they weren't supposed to be, it was impossible to keep them down!). It does help me a lot to know about the pain though b/c being an ICU nurse, I HATE to see anyone in pain . I am considering having her spayed at the SPCA low cost spay/neuter clinic (I'm on the auxiliary there, so I kind of feel like I should); do you have any opinion about that? The only thing that kind of bothered me is that they offer the pain med as an "option" at $12 extra . It makes me sad to think that some people might not opt to spend the extra money for pain med .

I'm hoping this little girl doesn't have any other health problems. Like I said, I'm so nervous about it.

OH....I know what I meant to ask too....if I don't get her spayed right away, will Max be crazy if she goes into heat? Or will he be ok b/c he's neutered?
Seana and Max and Madison too!
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