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Old 02-21-2008, 06:46 AM   #1
Mom to Biggie & Capone
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Talking Pampered Pet Expo

ANyone planning on going to this?

I know it's not til August, but I figured I would post now so everyone can start planning for it!

It's being held in Orlando from August 8-10.

It says on the site that they ask people not to bring their pets... but if enough people are going to attend, maybe we can all make a long weekend out of it and have a meet-up as well.

They're expecting 5,000+ people to attend, so it's definately not an even to miss! It's not til August, but I'm already excited!! I think this is the same event I've seen on Animal Planet or something....if it is, it definately seems like fun.

If you're planning to go or would like to go, PM me and maybe we can plan something
I Mr. Biggs & Capone
COMING SOON: peacelovedogs
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