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Old 08-09-2005, 08:26 AM   #3
Slave to My Rug-Rats
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My Mom is going through the same thing with her 3 year old girl. She primarily eats chicken and other healthy snacks. She has had 4 teeth pulled so far and my Mom is finally getting her to eat some healthy dog food. She has to smash it up and mix it in with some chicken, but Harley licks the plate now!

I too smash a few pieces of Innova for my puupies in the breakfast and dinner (they free feed all day), but this garantees me that they eat the amount I want them too, but what I do is: I take the Natural Balance lamb/rice meat roll and I have a very fine cheese grader, so I srinkle some of that fine shreaded meat roll on top of their dry food and they too lick the plates clean!
Good Luck!

P.S. I read in a thread here YT that you can sprinkle some graded parm cheese on their food to get them to eat too???
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