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Old 02-19-2008, 03:16 AM   #33
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Canada
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by Proud Mommy View Post
I wish you would re post this in the "In Memory of " thread so other YT members could start to help you heal it will take a while but we are here for you

RIP Little Owen
We will somehow heal from this. Seeing the suffering of a dog with kidney failure makes it easy to give him peace. Dealing with losing a 5 year old dog that you perhaps expected to be part of your life for 12-15 years is the part that is difficult to deal with.

We have never cried so much and have never been so close to going out in the garage for the night with the car running - but all grief eventually changes into something more bearable and we will make it.

Owen was a gentle and fun character who was full of life, loved food and could jump a mile in the air. He took good care of his sister and our home and was loved by neighbours and friends in our community. It will break local children's hearts to learn that he is gone, because he always ran up to them to say hello and make them friends. Our family members who came to think of our dogs as our kids are also filled with grief.

We will find a way to let the love he gave us guide us through this most terrible and unpredictable time. Your good wishes are appreciated and we thank everyone for their kindness in this impossible situation.
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