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Old 08-08-2005, 01:26 PM   #5
YT 1000 Club Member
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Northern Indiana
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Name: Nikki Nolan

YorkieTalk nickname: Ponyup

Do You Celebrate Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas?: All of the above

E-Mail Address:

Name: Logan

Gender: Male

Measurements (Weight, Height, Length or whatever you can provide to help with sizes): 5.5-6 Lbs; Length: 1ft

Size of clothing (The common size you usually by for your pups..XS,S,M,L or XL) : He wears XS t-shirts right now

My Yorkie's Favorite Toys, Snacks, Clothing style, color, etc.: Favorite toy: Slinky, but anything that makes noise that he can carry and shake; Snacks: Besides Food all he gets is cheerios (honey nut); Clothing: Low maintanence, t-shirts, sweatshirts, & really wants a polo for dress up; color: blue

Anything extra I want my Gift Exchange Pal to know about my pup: Logan is only 12 weeks old (turned 12 weeks on 8-7-05) so he's probably still gonna grow a little bit. I think he's mature for his age, but I don't know.
Mom to LOGAN
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