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Old 02-16-2008, 12:16 PM   #8
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Fort Worth
Posts: 28
Default i feel your pain!!!

I have 2 yorkie's who are about a year old now and i had the same eact problem you have until about 2 months ago. The only thing that changed my puppies pooping habits was to crate train them. During the day me and my family are gone from 7 am to around 6 pm.... which is obviously a problem for puppies who cant hold it all day. We were abel to attend a free potty training class at petsmart that helped us. What changed everything was at night we now put our pups in seperate, size appropriate taxi's (the small car carriers). As soon as they wake up in the mornings we let them outside, this is what the trainer told us to do (let them outside after sleep, activity, and eating ALWAYS) in order to avoid pooping (or pee) inside. During the day our puppies stay in thier crate (seperated) and have old bath towels that they love to snuggle with and we can all see that they avoid messing in their crates now. (if your try this give it time, 2-3 days should be plenty of time for your puppy to get the hint)

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