Caution when shaking laundry ......
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02-09-2008, 12:19 PM
YT 500 Club Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Va.
Posts: 757
Caution when shaking laundry ......
You are never going to belive what happened while I was doing the washing. Well I put my sons jean in the washer and did not check the pockets, well...when the cloths were done I noticed that someone must of had a piece of paper in their pocket. It was torn up all in the washer and all over the cloths. I started pulling them out and shacking the little pieces of paper off all over the floor before I put them in the dryer. I got them in the dryer and walked outside on the porch and my little Phyllis followed me out side. When she looked up at me I thought...... "OMG"
she had a white piece of paper in her whole eye!!!!! It covered the whole left eye like a white contact lens. She could blink.( she acted like nothing was wrong. She didnt try to rub it out or rub her face on the floor or anything ) I ran back in with her and yelled for my son to help me...(of course he was in his room with head phones on not hearing a thing I was yelling. I picked Phyllis up and put her in the sink ( holding tight with one hand ) trying to fill up a cup of warm water to pour over her eye. The paper fit perfectly like a contact over her eye. The water got a piece lose so I could pill it off with my finger. I flushed her eye real good. Thank god the paper got real soft in the washer. She is doing blinking or eye watering or anything. So everyone please be extra careful when shaking anything around your much stuff could fall in their eyes...
love those
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