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Old 02-08-2008, 02:43 PM   #1
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Default Can you please pray for my Evey?

Please please pray for my Evey - my husband took her to the vet because I noticed her urine is a dark yellow and seemed like she's lost weight. He just called me at work and said they couldn't get a urine sample but took blood and the vet is concerned- he said her eyes are jaundiced and that yes, she has lost some weight. my husband said something about problems with her liver or kidney. I can't remember exactly what he said - I'm so scared right now. She is 9 years old and my best girlfriend. The vet is hoping to find out something by tomorrow or Monday. I was hoping it was a urinary infection but the vet seems to think its something else. I love her so much - she has always been so healthy and I can only think of one time that she was sick in her whole life.
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