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Old 02-08-2008, 05:41 AM   #15
Living life with yorkies!
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Originally Posted by qraven View Post
lmao I did the same thing until I started going out. Like I said I found out real quick why you do not dress nice on that truck or take a shower everyday... kinda like take a shower and hit rush hr in Chicago or just get out of there. Even trying to out run the weather and oh heck there are a lot of reasons but the main one for me is going in to grab a shower and the shower is so nasty you would rather get a hose in that blizzard. We go through about 2 cases of baby wipes sometimes.... Now for the dogs when they are on the truck just put them in our bag and in we go.. to eat,shower do laundry so remember that if you eat at a truckstop there maybe a little dog in that lady's bag lol we all do it... after all these babies never leave us period. I know I sound weird but really these fur babies for a trucker they are different than us sitting at home with our babies... I can't explain it... it is a bond we all have but these animals really do pine themselves away if they lose their momm or daddy . Even had an older trucker a few yrs back his kitty passed away on the truck and he left this world to be with her. I do not know if it is just normal and healthy or crazy and unhealthy either way it is their life... dang I rambled on again

I know exactly what you mean the time we went to California i took a shower before i left and i didn't get another one until i got home Mom always brought a few milk jugs of water and some wash clothes and yep baby wipes to just so we wouldn't feel so nasty and word of advice don't get a perm right before you take off on a trip lol you can just imagine how i looked my the time we got back home it was a scary site And no it isn't crazy at all to me it is totally the norm i know how lonely it gets on the road and heck i even had my parents with me. But i have met many truckers who have babies with them and as soon as you meet them you just know how it is they are their babies their kids and without them i don't think they could go on. It is unreasonable to think that you can take your new born baby or your kid with you on the road like that believe me my dad tried and it didn't work so that is what these furbabies are for them their childeren and i for one totally understand and for all the truckers still going at it they all get a big from me
Skeeta&Bella Max & Sam member's of the little gentlemens club
R.I.P my little Chiquita
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