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Old 01-31-2008, 09:07 AM   #2
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I can honestly say I have never taken a deposit on a puppy and then changed my mind. There has been a few cases where I kept the wrong pup and ended up selling her for one reason or the other. Adding a male to your household would add a lot of additional problems. It is a lot of extra work dealing with males because you have to keep them separated when the females come in heat. You have to put up with the pacing, whining and crying because the stud will want to get to the female. Unneutered males usually mark a lot, especially when a female is in heat. At this point I think you would be better off either keeping a female if you like one of the pups, or sell both and get a female from a different line. Then I would wait about a year and then look for a male that is already somewhat mature (6 months to 2 years) and add him to your breeding program.
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