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Old 08-04-2005, 04:28 AM   #41
YT Addict
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 364

I don't understand why it is ok according to this thread for people to breed tiny dogs (3lb female w/ 2 lb male- I think I read in this thread) but when a person asks for advice on breeding and their female is under 5lbs everyone jumps in and says "get her spade she is too small". And many comment on breed standard.

So which is it, is it ok now to breed for tinies with tiny females? Is it ok now to forget about breed standard as long as they are tinies?

There are many people who preach breed standard to many people, unless of course it is something they want to do then breed standard seems to not matter any more- standard is 4-7 lbs. correct?

I think that if we are encouraging people to breed tinies (by searching them out and buying them), which is very risky for tiny females, then we are not doing what is best for the breed, we are encouraging people to put dogs at risk because of supply and demand.

I am not talking about the 20% of tiny ones that happen. I am talking about people who breed for tinies on purpose. Which many have stated on this thread they have done or know someone who does.

I think it is sad to promote this, considering how risky it is for the small female who is having these tiny pups.

This is just my opinion, it is frustrating dealing with people who preach one way, but do another. I am so sick of hearing "breed standard" from people who then turn around and throw "breed standard" out the window to benifit them.... if you are going to preach it, then follow it... don't use it as an excuse to talk people out of breeding, if you yourself don't follow the standard. By the way "tinies" under 4 lbs are not breed standard, and breeding small dogs to get tinies is also not following the AKC Breed standards. You can't have it both ways....
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