So my bf came home and rang the bell cause he didn't have the keys. I was on the couch with Sophie and London. Sophie always barks when she hears the doorbell and goes running to the door. And even though she is little she jumps off and on the couch like nothing. Well this time when it rang she jumped off the couch so fast and i think landed on her face, she starts screaming like crazy! I didn't see her land but the way she was screaming i thought she broke a leg or something. I was shaking so much and panicing but i quickly picked her up, ran to get honey and gave her some right away. I yelled thru the intercom for my bf to run up the stairs cause she fell, ppl downstairs must have thought i was crazy lol So he was at the door and i had to run with her while shushing her and rubbing her. She was fine, didn't break anything but when i checked her gums they were WHITE! So i gave her the honey and like 2 treats and also water and she ate it all. She actually was very excited that my bf was here and was back to normal in like a minute. But OMG this girl can scream! Like if someone is attacking her. Now her gums are really pink and all is well. But i did almost have a heart attack

lol You just always have to be prepared for anything to happen whew!