Incessant Scratching and flakes Our lil puppy Maya has had a skin condition since my dad brought her home. The vet said it was because my dad washed her too much. So he suggested not bathing her, using oatmeal shampoo and giving her omega 3 tablets and children's benadril .4 ml. I stopped giving her the benadril because i saw no effect after a week and i had hoped the omega 3 oils would help. I noticed i been getting what i thought were bed bug bites because sometimes Maya will not stop crying until i hold her in my bed. My dad is adamant that she doesn't have fleas, but my brother got hives while i was gone as an hyper allergic reaction to some bed bites he has gotten. The vet doesn't think she has fleas, but i counted over 32 bites on myself. I have sanitized all her bedding and my bedding as well. (i got one of those new washers which has like a sanitizing mode which super boils the water and takes forever to finish washing.
At the same time she seems to attack certain parts of her body so i been using hot spot medication which is bitter and is keeping her from touching it too long. I am itching like hell so i can only guess how bad she feels. Shes a tiny puppy shes about 3 1/2 months old and weighs like a 1.06 pounds. Shes been itching so much and her skin is flaking off really bad and if i can get her to sit still i can see her skin looks as irritated as mine does after i take a shower.
I'm going to the vet tomorrow to show him the bites i have on my arms and legs and if he can stomach it the ones on my chest lol. Shes also only been indoors and i been vacuuming everyday and emptying the vacuum immediately outside after vacuuming.
Has anyone had this problem with their pet or have any other suggestions?
BTW i been feeding her Royal Canin food, however she does prefer to eat Caesars (wet pet food). However, i don't see a correlation between food affecting her because shes had this problem since I've had her. I only noticed the growing numbers of bites on myself this week. |