Originally Posted by pepe mint I only wish that was possible. I have no way of contacting her...and no way of knowing when she gets this news. It is a very very long story, and a very personal one...but there is nothing I can do to help her or to reach out to her.
I am going to write her a letter...that is the only contact I have with her. but it will not get to her for another week...and since I have already received a copy of the letter that was sent to her as well, then I am sure she has already received hers...since she is in the same state that the letter was sent from. So I really don't know how much good me writing a letter now will do. But I will definitely try.
OMG...I am freaking |
If you write that letter you can send it different ways to get it there much faster, if that helps.
Try to breathe and do what you can. If there is nothing you can possibly do, then know that and try to be at peace with it. It sounds pretty horrible and I hope things turn out ok for your mom. (and you)
Keep us posted, ok? I have already prayed for your you and your mom and will continue to do so, ok?