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Old 01-11-2008, 11:31 AM   #1
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Default When Can I Start My New Yorkie On Food?

I have a 20 day old little Yorkie and I was wondering when I can introduce her to food? I was thinking of taking some of the puppy food and blending it up with some newborn puppy milk. She weighed 3.5 oz at birth and today weighs 13 1/8 oz. Last night during dinner time we put a piece of meat up to her(to see what she would do) and she tried to take a bite out of it! Of course we wouldn't let her have it, she doesn't have the teeth to chew it! But she wanted it! When would be an ok time to introduce her to puppy food? And what would you recommend starting her with? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as this is our first experience with a litter.
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Jenny &Rosie
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