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Old 01-07-2008, 05:52 PM   #13
Lovin' to the MAX!!
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Originally Posted by MissSophie View Post
Your comment about him getting anxious when you stepped on the brake is interesting. Our baby loves to go for a ride in the car and loves to bark at anything she sees while riding. She also will sit on my lap and sleep an entire trip if we are on an interstate. However, as soon as the brake is touched, she has to sit up and look out. She doesn't get nervous, but she has to see what is happening. She can be completely out, but that brake goes on, even slightly, and she is up and looking out the window.
Max is more alert too, whenever you either put the brake on or stop. I could hang with him just doing that, but having to hold him all the time is really kind of exhausting, even though he's small. I think I'll give the spray a try.
I also kind of wonder, after reading mmini's thread where alaskayorkie mentioned that one of his dogs reacted badly (sounds like he was hallucinating to me) to the other medication she'd mentioned (ace....something?); if maybe when I gave my Max a couple of the things I mentioned earlier, they weren't part of the reason he was so anxious? I mean, he DOES the shaking thing almost everytime we get in the car, but the panting and whining I just wonder if it's not a side effect of the stuff I gave him? It's so hard to know sometimes.

Re: the console car seat: I think it's always worth a try, b/c like Chachi said "they're all so different". I've read from some people that they had excellent results using a console car seat.

I'm going to at least try the spray around town and see if it helps.
Seana and Max and Madison too!
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