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Old 07-30-2005, 07:47 PM   #1
YT 6000 Club Member
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Angry They made me take her home

So today was supposed to be a fun day at the lake for Coco. Instead, when we got to the lake, which use to allow dogs before, told me I had to take coco home OR LEAVE HER IN THE CAR !!!!! I asked them why they don't allow dogs anymore and they said it's a liability issue. "Some of the dogs have heat strokes and such out here" the b***h said. To which I replied "YOU JUST TOLD ME TO LEAVE MY DOG IN THE CAR THAT'S PROBABLY LIKE 200 DEGREES, ISN'T THAT A LIABILITY ISSUE AND HEAT STROKE? Naturally she had no response to that. So I was forced to drive 45 minutes to home, of course, not without having her pee on their grounds I had to leave her home and go back to the lake, which was no fun without her. I had to come back though, my nephew was crying his eyes out for me My poor baby. But she sat in an air conditioned home with snack and toys. I was just pissed that she couldn't be at the LAKE, where there used to be dogs. Anyways, I reported them to the humane society, and told them that I was advised to leave my 2lbs. dog in the car in heat....hehe
Mommy to Coco and Rocco
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