It is NOT your fault!!! Please dont blame yourself!! I lost my cocker spaniel 2 christmas's ago in almost the same way...he ran out the back door that never completetly closed unless someone manually shut it..that day they didnt and out our precious baby ran to the road..he was hit right away!! He didnt bleed until after he died either but we knew his back was this day it still haunts me and I miss him terribly but its no ones fault..accidents happen..I buried Moocho at my parents in the country over looking the creek..his favorite spot to run...we visit him allllllllllll the time and I talk to him like he is still here...if I hadnt lost Moocho I wouldnt have discovered the sweet little yorkie breed..I wouldnt have Reece and Soleil...I feel like Moocho brought them to me..because I could never have another cocker...I would have compared him to Moocho forever Im sure..
I am so sorry you lost your are in my thoughts today and for many days to come...
Dawn |