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Old 07-29-2005, 06:09 AM   #1
Maximus "Lily's Love Slave"
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Join Date: May 2005
Location: san ramon, ca
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Confused Maximus is wearing his MILLBUSTERS shirt.....

Well Maximus woke up this morning at about 3-4 am and starting making these weird noises and almost convulsing and trying to get off the bed??? bf said quick get him on the floor and as soon as I did he threw weas horrible..I felt so bad for him. I cleaned him up and the floor and I laid him back in bed with my bf so I could go see what exactly he may of thrown up...I'm still not sure if I gave him to many treats last night..or why he got sick, but either way I am going to the vet tonight because he doesn't want to eat breakfast ...but due to this trauma I didn't want to put his ecollar back on..and since he was coming with me to work..I decided it would be good for him to wear his puppymill shirt and amazingly he hasn't tried for his injury site once today..and just buying breakfast this morning I already was asked about puppymills 2x!!!!
Maximus' Album:
Maximus Woves Lily
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