Originally Posted by fiona'smom I got Fiona at 8 weeks she was eating Eucanuba puppy food. In about a month she wouldn't eat it any more. I have tried every brand recommended by my vet and the same thing. She'll start eating like she's really going to like it and in no time she won't have anything to do with it. The last I've tried was Royal Canin Yorkshire mini bites.She ate it the longest of any of the other brands then wouldn't eat it anymore. My vet suggested just waiting and eventually she would eat. I waited 72 hrs. and she still wouldn't eat. I was really getting worried. the vet gave me canned meat (Prescription Diet A D) to mix with the R.C. minbites. She would just lick the meat off and leave the rest.
I finally went to Purina Moist and Meaty. I still have to mix the meat with it and eventually she will eat it. She just won't eat any hard food at all.
Does any one have any suggestions? She gets very little treats. I even took them away from her while waiting. |
Try adding a bit of cottage cheese to the food.. Mischa is the same way right now.. I have him on the Royal Canin also.. but 4 times a day I give him a little baby spoon of honey, to keep his blood sugar up.
Hope that helps