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Old 07-28-2005, 12:49 PM   #1
YT 500 Club Member
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Default A question about size.

Hello everyone!

I am so excited, my mom is getting a femal puppy from the same breeder as my Bridget. The mom of the new baby is Bridget's half sister, and they have the same dad. Sorry it probably sounds funky but there is no cross breeding, Bridget and her sister have the same mom but diffrent dads, and then Bridgets dad was used to sire this litter. Anyways...My question is that this puppy was the only one in the litter, and the breeder says right now she looks like a potbellied pig, ( she is a porker) since she doesnt have the competition. Is it possible that even though her parents are 5 and 3 lbs she could be super huge like 10-15 lbs. My brother has my mom worried because she is big this early, I told her not to worry, since it should not effect her long term size. I figure about 4, is there anyone that has experiance with this to help me out. BTW, my mom says she will love the dog be it 2 or 22 lbs, it is just a curiosty, and to shut my baby brother up...LOL
Marlee Bridget's Mommy
Bridget 's Romeo
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