Here is the email I sent to Bush and Cheney. (I used your fact post jbarile..I hope that's ok)
I urge all of you to email them as well. Write to them from your heart.
President Bush and Vice President Cheney,
I am writing you in hopes that you can use your power to help shut down puppy mills. There are so many of them across the U.S. and nothing is being done to stop it.
The facts:
-Dogs are bred & rebred every time they come into heat (twice a year until they die).
-They live outside most of the time, in cages with wire bottoms, where they get caught and tear their legs or worse. Sometimes these are stacked where the feces & urine drops down into the cages below.
-They are left outside in hot or cold temperatures. Even during rain or snow. It doesn't matter. They are not protected.
-Many times there are several in one cage crowded and trapped
-The filth is enough to make them sick and there is no veterinary care for those who are sick or injured.
-They are never let out of their cages- never loved or handled.
-Puppies are born with defects from the abuse.
-They are inter bred which can lead to more defects.
-They are fed only enough to keep them alive. Most of the time the food and water bowls are empty.
-Some puppy millers ram pipes down their throats to keep them from barking.
-Puppies are taken from the mothers long before it is time. They are shipped in overcrowded trucks, sometimes across states, and not taken care of.
-Brokers take them to pet stores to sell. They have not been checked for defects or any diseases.
-When a puppy mill puppy is bought – the owner can end up paying thousands of dollars because of the conditions they were bred and transported in.
-A lot of the puppy mill puppies don't make it. They die before they ever get to the pet stores.
-If they are deformed and not good for more breeding they are killed in inhumane ways.
-They are never socialized. They never get out of their cages.
-Many of these puppies are born with genetic conditions of the heart and lungs, or suffer seizures which sometimes don't show up for years.
-Many of them have parvo, worms, mange, and various other disorders.
-Even if they come with registration papers – it does not mean they came from good breeding conditions.
-The AKC receives revenue from the millers for these registrations
When the parents are no longer useful to the millers they are disposed of- (shot- beatin or what ever methods they want to use. )
Remember this.... for every puppy sold at a pet shop
– A shelter puppy dies.
Please, think back to the reason you wanted to be in politics. What does America mean to you? You have the chance to make a difference, and im begging you to take that chance.
President Bush, please, think about Barney and Spot. Do it for them..for all the dogs like them. You have the ability to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
Yours Truely,
Heather Hamptons
(xxx) xxx-xxxx