Thread: Hot Spots
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Old 07-25-2005, 03:07 PM   #14
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Hi Cheryl...I'm dealing this, also. From what I have read, the main thing to do is keep the area dry and clean. Ringo was being obsessive so I thought about getting an Elizabethan collar....then I came up with the idea to put a shirt on him. I went to the store and bought some white cotton infant tshirts. I first put some cornstarch on the hotspot and he seemed to like that and then I put on the shirt. He loved the shirt! It was funny. His spot is under his arm around his chest area, so I rolled it up so he could use the bathroom with no problem. Anyway....I'll tell you how that goes. If this doesn't work then, I'm looking into getting some stuff called Neo-predef's an antibiotic and topical steroid. I don't want to use any steroid products on him, but I may have to. I think his started with an itch from a yeast or bacteria infection or possibly started by bug bites or allergies. That's a whole other thing I'm dealing with. I supposedly have him on a great food. It's Innova....but now I worry about too much protein. Argh! Good luck!
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