Thread: New to Yorkies
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Old 11-24-2007, 06:29 PM   #1
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Default New to Yorkies

Hi, I'm so glad to find this site. I just adopted a 10 mo. old Yorkie male and he is a joy. I have 2 females, a Shih Tzu and a terrier mix and they have accepted the little guy with open paws. I named him Scooter and he's quite the charmer. He had a tough beginning in life as he was "owned" by two different families both which had lots of little kids who terrorized him. He now is very afraid of any person or animal that he sees when he is outside for a walk. He's so afraid that he actually screams. I try not to baby or shelter him when he does this so I don't reinforce his fears but he's still very frightened. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I absolutely adore him and I want him to have a beautiful life with me and his new "sisters".
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