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Old 11-19-2007, 04:16 AM   #4
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Did you buy 3 or did you have a litter?? LOL
I have an xpen set up for ginger, she is going to be 16 wks tomorrow..I have her xpen set up kind of strange, as when she would stand on it, she was moving it all over..What I've done is her bed is on one end, then I have the xpen folded in abit, then there is one little area she can walk through to where her pee pad is..this separates the bed from the pad really well..of course, now, I'm home all day, so she's in the family room with me all day, until bed time, so, I've taken her water and food up out of the xpen..if you want me to send you a picture over of how I have it done up, pm me with your e-mail and I'll take a pic and send it
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