Thread: Advise Needed
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Old 11-16-2007, 11:09 AM   #8
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Tahoe, my 15 year old, has suffered from pancreatitis for about 4 years. He's on Science Diet ID prescription food. About 2 1/2 years ago, while reviewing his xrays for something else, our vet found that he also has an enlarged liver and subsequent blood work showed high liver counts. To treat this, Tahoe has been taking the medication ursidiol since and seems to be doing wonderfully. Please discuss this option with your vet. If your friend chooses this option, they can get it in a chicken flavored liquid form, which is much easier to distribute than a pill. Tahoe laps it up like candy. It must be refrigerated, but comes in a 60 day supply if you ask for it. It costs about $45.

~ Kelly
*Don't feed your yorkies "Greenies". Their lives depend on it.*
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