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Old 11-09-2007, 11:03 PM   #1
Yorkie Talker
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Posts: 19
Default He Finally Did It!!!!!!

I am SOOOO excited right now!!! For the first time EVER, Sam just asked to go outside, I opened the door and he went pee outside! YEAAAAAAHHH!! I can't even describe how excited we are!!!

We have been trying to potty train this guy for about a month, working with him every day on going potty outside. We knew that he knew where to go potty, but he had never asked to go outside. He did it for the first time tonight! Let's hope this is a start to a new habit for him. If so, it is going to open up a whole new world inside our house since he has basically been confined to the hard surface floors for the last month.

Way to go Sam!!
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