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Old 11-02-2007, 08:07 AM   #10
Mommy's Lil' Miracle
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When you push on the lower teeth, do they move individually or together? If they move together, then he has injured the fibrous tissue that connects the two halves of the lower jaw. Think of the lower jaw as being split down the middle and connected by this tissue. When there is an injury to this tissue, the teeth can appear to be loose but it is really a slight movement in the jaw that you seeing. If you can catch the injury soon enough, the two halves of the jaw can be temporarily wired together. They can also use a metal plate to reconnect the two halves if the injury is bad enough.

This type of injury is very common and you might not even know it happened. A dog that stumbles and hits his chin on a tile floor could even have this type of injury. Any type of impact to the lower jaw could cause it. As long as its only slight movement that you see, I wouldn't worry. Its very common and many dogs have this. My Bailey even has this and has no problems. Just be sure your to inform your groomer and your vet before doing dentals so they can be extra careful.
I LOVE my little Furbutts!

Last edited by drawlins27; 11-02-2007 at 08:10 AM.
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