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Old 07-18-2005, 05:51 PM   #7
Mommy to 3 Princesses
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Originally Posted by Gigi
Hi, I am soooo worried. My baby is great, she plays fetch, she goes outside and does her business, she gives me tons of kisses. But.....everytime I just want to sit with her on the coach she goes crazy, bitting and rough playing. What should I do to calm her down. Please help, I know I am not the only one out there. I know yorkies are very hyper but sometimes I just want her to relax with me.

By the way she is almost 4 months old.

Jooin the club!
My dog is like that too. And I have said several times here on YT that I think she inherited her mommas ADHD, lol
I havent figured out a way to calm mine down yet and she is 7 months. But I love her energy! You really should enjoy it while you can because when she gets older you'll miss her crazy hyperness. My 1 1/2 year old chihuahua used to be hyper and now she has mellowed out a lot.
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