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Old 10-23-2007, 05:06 AM   #1
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Default Weaning Question...

The pups will be 3 weeks tomorrow and are all close to or ove 1 lb. We are not necessarily weaning, but have heard the babies crying more often, and the Mom is leaving them for longer periods of time and I am afraid they aren't getting enough. She also gets up while the pups are still nursing and the pups are still sucking and hanging from her teets. We were thinking of letting them taste some soft diluted puppy food to see if they are interested in that at all. I am not looking to remove the Mom or "wean", because she IS still feeding them, it just seems like they may not be getting enough from her, and I don't want them to be hungry. I was thinking of just offering the food in addition maybe twice a day. We did give them a little Nutrical today and they LOVED it. Please let me know what you guys think.
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