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Old 07-15-2005, 05:55 PM   #4
Yorkie Kisses are the Best!
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Ok...this was LAST night ...Chanel raced outside in the thunderstorm and chased raindrops - she always does this, and I keep towels near the door just for HER. I caught her and mummy-wrapped her like a baby and was holding her...then had to set her down to shut the sliding door -

I usually let her OUT of the towel - but I guess I was having a blond moment. A commotion caught my eye - I looked down and the towel is moving across the tile floor with her still in it - she was having a blast in that towel - and must have traveled 5 feet before I caught her and unwrapped her.....She had on this HUGE happy face like ...."That was FUN it again it again !"
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