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Old 10-11-2007, 02:01 PM   #1
Uno baby
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Location: Minnesota
Posts: 125
Default Yorkie owners in cold weather? Like...MN??

Hello all, i'm from Minnesota and I used to walk Uno for 3 miles daily. I can tell he's getting stir crazy, because I have been reluctant to walk him in this cooler weather (around 40*). Am I being paranoid about my baby getting too cold (he has a sweater...) or can (don't hate me for what i'm about to say) 'dogs' stand that weather while on a walk? I want to get him some booties to go with his sweater, but need to wait until pay day. lol.

Perhaps I will just put him on the's just not the same

OH- for those of you who use dog booties for cold weather, which ones do you recommend? I want some nice and warm ones that are water proof (you know, for when I have to take him out in the snow at -10* weather.....ugh...)
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