Thread: Pink Urine?
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Old 10-04-2007, 07:52 AM   #7
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by YorkieRose View Post
Have the vet check her urine sample..are you 100% positive she is only 16 weeks?
Yes . . . I am 100% positive she is only 16 weeks old. It's funny that you mention that though because the breeder just told me that the only time she has ever seen that is when dogs are in heat. I don't think the baby is in heat though. She comes from the same breeder where Willow comes from and she has turned out to be a very dear friend. I called her right away this morning and she felt it may be the early stages of a UTI and was on her way down to pick her up. She is supposed to be going to her new family in two more days, but she is going to have to go back up to the breeders for now until they can figure out what caused this. Second urine of the morning was perfect in color and we were able to catch it in cake pan. Breeder. baby, and pee sample are off to visit the vet to see what this may be. We are thinking that because of all the changes the baby went through over the past week, she may have got a UTI. She was at her supposed permanent home only five days and in that five days I guess she was too much to handle. She pooped and peed all over the house, peed on the dry cleaning, peed on a backpack, terrorized the cats, and escaped out of the flex pen. She has been at my house for six days and has done great. She eats, sleeps, poops, and pees . . . on the puppy pads I might add! She is a very sweet puppy and I would love to keep her . . . but just can't justify the $1,500 cost especially since I am still recovering from Willow's $5,000 broken leg surgeries at Christmas.

Please say a little prayer that the baby will be okay and all ready to go to her new home in a couple of days.
Pegi and Willow and Isabella Bleu ~
Please come and visit Willow at Dogster
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