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Old 09-26-2007, 10:20 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by ARCHIE View Post
What you little boy is doing if guarding his bone. Your smart to get a grip on
this because it can become a big problem.
Take the bone away for awhile. Then sit on the floor and hold the bone with
one hand while he tries to grab it with his mouth. Tell him he's a good boy
but don't release the bone yet. Pet him make him feel your not going to
take it away. Work on this for awhile then release it to him and make him
bring it to you. If this does not work after a couple of days take the bone
away! This is not cute and your smart to realize it now.
I wanted to pull Buddys ears off the first time he did this to me around
1 yr old I think. He got worse before he got better. I threw more than
one toy in the garbage from being totally pissed at him and his nastiness
out of no where. I have worked on this for a couple of years and he has
gotten to where it's not a problem anymore. However, there are times he
will still pull this bull with me and I will get the bone, toy or whatever and take it away for days at a time. You have to be the boss.
Don't yell, that does no good. Be firm in your tone and let him know your
the boss and his behavior is unacceptable.
Great advice!!!
Shayley Pixie Gracie Coco Trini and Their Family

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